If you are just a casual fan of orchid flowers, you may not be aware that there is such a variety of blooms available within the family ochidaceae. Here in this post, I will talk about some of my favorites.

I love the Oncidium orchid, especially the ‘Sharry Baby’ variety. It smells like cocoa, is fairly low-maintenance, and the flowers themselves look like dancing ladies. I love their rich red-violet hue and the even deep colors of their sibling ‘Sherry Baby’ variety.

Another variety that is downright adorable is the Anguloa uniflora, otherwise known as the swaddled babies orchid. If you’ve ever seen the blooms, you will know how the plant earned this nickname! The flowers really do look just like a smiling, joyful baby wrapped in a soft blanket made of petals before they fully open.

My first orchid was the very popular Phalaenopsis orchid (otherwise known as a ‘moth orchid’ and it is probably the flower you most think of when you picture this species. They have long lasting flowers, come in a variety of colors, and are absolutely beautiful. Another common orchid found in homes and florist shops are the Dendrobium Orchids. They grow large amounts of a smaller white and purple flower, and are a little more forgiving when it comes to too much sun or water. However, they are equally as stunning as the moth orchid.

I am also a big fan of tulips, so the Anguloa Orchids, commonly called tulip orchids, are another one of my favorites. Born out of the South American rainforest, these beauties require significant humidity and grow especially well in greenhouse or with a mister set on a timer. I’ve never grown these myself, but I love looking at pictures of them and dreaming of my own greenhouse.

Another beautiful flower that also comes in yellow is the Laeliocattleya. They are great for those who occasionally forget to water, as they like to dry out between watering. Personally, I love the way the petals almost look like stars. These orchid hybrids are beautiful. I also adore the ‘Puppy Love’ flowers. Sweet name, beautiful flower!

The Cymbidium orchid is a great option if you cannot provide a high-humidity environment. This particular type of orchid has lots of hybrids available and the flowers last an incredibly long amount of time – we are talking months. And they bloom about 30 flowers at a time, especially in the Cascading varieties, which can be absolutely breathtaking.

There is an incredible amount of diverse plants in the orchid family and I could spend all day writing about the seemingly endless varieties of these beautiful flowers. If you are interested in growing your own orchid, talk to a grower and explain your level of skill as well as the environment you plan to place the plant in. They should be able to direct you to the types of orchids that will grow best for you.